Minggu, 03 Mei 2015

Build success of Islam

By: Khoirul Taqwim

By building the Islamic mankind will create a noble character. So for that build Islam is a necessity in pursuing an Islamic building a more dignified in the midst of the reality of human life in general.

Islamic building will be faced with various problems that hinder both funding issues and mental problems. Then to establish Islam that required cooperation at all sides, so as to form a civilized Islamic buildings and amazing.

In the most important Islamic build able to create a mental change, to go mental noble. Because the noble character of Muslims will acquire various goodness that is truly amazing.

Islam building is not the most urgent problem of funds, although funds are also very urgent, but the most urgent spirit of unity and the unity of the Islamic community in the midst of the reality of human life is universal.

Noble character is the goal of Islamic buildings and well-being of Muslims is also a priority for success in establishing Islam, of course, the religion of Islam in order to awaken in every heart and soul of Muslims kaffah.

The success and the success story in building Islam can not be separated from Islam itself willing or unwilling to establish Islam, of course, all the necessary spirit of unity and the unity of Muslims in establishing Islam enlightening in the midst of the reality of human life.

Hopefully establish Islam can be realized, body and soul of Muslims can be achieved with good, Amin .......

Exemplary marriage of the Prophet Muhammad as a Successful Entrepreneur

By: Khoirul Taqwim

Marriage of Prophet Muhammad SAW filled with stunning beauty. How come? Prophet Muhammad was married to Umm al-Mumineen Khadijah when he was still in the building trade. So the marriage of the Prophet Muhammad was full of beauty when he built a business trip trade at the local level and at international level.

Business enterprises Prophet Muhammad as an entrepreneur in the trade at the start since childhood, to the Prophet Muhammad in his teens. met with As-Saib bin Abus-Saib which are working best friend, and between the Prophet Muhammad and As-Saib bin Abus-Saib never cheat each other and at odds with each other in conducting trade between the two people.

Enterprises Prophet Muhammad in doing trading business. That the Prophet Muhammad in doing trading business, was not only at the local level, but the Prophet Muhammad has been involved at international level in conducting trade activities.

Since the age of 17, the Prophet Muhammad has been able to lead a trade business in many countries. Truly remarkable exemplary shown in the teaching of the Prophet Muhammad to mankind about the trading business that is not only limited to the pursuit of mere material, but the Prophet Muhammad in the trade business to teach mankind about how a successful trading business and managed by not leaving the nature of goodness , honesty, fortitude, humility, and patience in doing trading business across the country.

The success of the Prophet Muhammad businesses more brilliant when he met Khadijah Mother of the Faithful, and finally Prophet Muhammad married Khadija with his Mother of the Faithful. This is filled with the blessing of marriage between the Prophet Muhammad with the Mother of the Faithful Khadijah, both in the building trade and in building a home for the continuation of the Islamic religion in the hemisphere.

Marriage of the Prophet Muhammad with the Mother of the Faithful Khadijah is filled with exemplary marriage that should be a model for humanity in the whole universe.

Hopefully, with the beauty of the wedding of the Prophet Muhammad in the building trade can be exemplary to our example: the kindness, his tenacity and honesty of the Prophet Muhammad in running the trading business activities, both locally and at the international level.

Passion Worship at Night

By: Khoirul Taqwim

Religion often brings an atmosphere that shows something that is difficult to explain logically, especially when praying at night making the atmosphere seems poignant that looks quiet, but it is indicative of silence evening filled with prayer-prayer unseen.

Worship at night create an exciting atmosphere and not grow weary in doing religious rituals. From the atmosphere of the evening appeared keindaan soothing atmosphere when worship dl night, of course, with practice-Amlan Lail prayer and dhikr which unceasingly, both oral and heart always melafadkan sacred verses in bimgkai Islam.

Lail prayer and dhikr night makes passion the night in worship, to draw closer to the creator of all. Worship at night is a way to get closer to Heaven creator of all, of course, to achieve a blessed life in Allah.

Make a night of passion in a spirit of worship with full sincerity and sincerity are in accordance with the guidance, both the word and the word of the creator of all that is in the heavens and on earth.

By evening worship made the atmosphere seem heart felt calm and peaceful in the running next life, of course, all thanks to the creator of the universe.

Worship at night is a process closer to the creator of all. Then worship at night as the path to goodness in the form of draw closer to the creator of heaven and earth.

Hopefully, a brief description of passion worship at night can make us always remember to Allah SWT. Amin .........

Light Islam

By: Khoirul Taqwim

Islam is a heart medicine for human beings in real life. So that Islam is very urgent in building a peaceful heart and full of blessing for the universe.

The existence of Islamic teachings can be beings of light in persons in real life, for that is the source of Islamic teachings contained in the word and the word can be a cure for human life.

Light Islam together the word and the word can be used as guidance for mankind, so that mankind can understand the meaning of the values ​​of Islam, of course, can apply daily life in Islamic.

Applying the teachings of Islam in the midst of the reality of human life, undoubtedly can be a light sedative liver and heart of mankind throughout the hemisphere. Then the light of Islam is very helpful in treating the liver, either anxiety, sad, depressed or other negative sense.

With the light of Islam can result in positive energy values ​​for mankind, especially Muslims in performing this present life

Positive Energy In Islam

By: Khoirul Taqwim

One of the largest Islamic religion hemisphere, for which Islam became a magnet for billions of human heads in a dig about Science to Islamization, of course, through the revelation of the Qur'an and Sunnah. Then the teachings of Islam put themselves as full of grace and peace for mankind throughout the hemisphere.

The teachings of Islam so have positive energy for mankind, especially the teachings of Islam does not recognize ethnicity, race or class to another, but all humanity has a notch, the same rights and obligations. Departing from here that Islam is a doctrine that is positive for the human aura punuh whole universe.

The existence of Islam into a life guidance for mankind, especially Muslims throughout the universe. So that the positive energy in Islam is right on target as the heart drug in real life exhausting and challenging from day-to day.

Feeling bored and restless often haunt people's lives. So Islam can be a positive aura dealer in providing peace of heart and soul in every human breast.

Positive energy in Islam is a necessity for humanity, for which the teachings of Islam through word and Sunnah can be used as guidance and practice for mankind, both past and future. Because Islam channeling positive energy to produce, such as peace of mind in every beat of the breath of life of the whole human race.

The Word and Sunnah

By: Khoirul Taqwim

The Word and Sunnah becomes guidance for mankind, especially Muslims throughout the hemisphere. Then examine the word and the Sunnah is a necessity in learning about the sciences to Islamization, so that human beings can distinguish between truth and falsehood.

The existence of the word and the sunnah is very urgent as a hint of truth. So that the word and the Sunnah is a staple in living life full of universal benefit.

The existence of the word and the Sunnah makes truth as true power, for rage against all that happens around the life of mankind. But the word of truth and the Sunnah as a guide for the people who believe in running a better life, of course, both the world and in the hereafter.

With the word and the Sunnah man get directions, to be applied in everyday life and bermanfa'at true for the entire universe.

Departing from the above description can be drawn seimpulan, that the word and the word as a way of life for mankind, especially Muslims kaffah, in order to survive in real life in the world and in the hereafter. Because the word and Sunnah are the indisputable truth of its existence.